Tuesday, April 28, 2009

For everyone in my organization. You know who you are. Keep pluggin away. Your on the right track. You are all doing the right things. And when the white water crashes against your door. It will all be worth it. Establishment, foundation, these are things that can not be taken away once they are solidified on the internet. The work your doing now, will be working for you 10 years from now. I am here for you if you have questions. I can't wait to see all you guys succeed.
If you haven't already purchased "Millions at the kitchen table". Then what are you waiting for. The link is below.

for those of you who still haven't seen my pic for online business of the year. Test drive it free here.

yours in true success,

Eli Wagner

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hello my friends on this beautiful Sunday morning. A quick reminder. The web 2.0 university boot camp official website will be launching in 1 month. If you are curious about making money online, but everything looks like a scam. That's because you're right. Just about everything is a scam out there. I have designed this site to help those of you who are tired of it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eli Wagner

Ok, so this is me. I am 29 years old. I love my god and my family. I have a beautiful 4 year old son with autism who is the light of my world. I am a single dad. I love music, specifically heavy metal, It cracks me up when I meet others in my profession "internet marketing" . They are all so stuffy wearing golf shirts and talking themselves up. Listening to Kenny G and crossing their legs like a girl. I am good at what I do. I am an expert at web 2.0 and Multi Level Marketing. More specifically internet marketing. And i don't have to be a pretentious lyer to do it. I could name a long list of people who'm I have personally met that are complete pathological liers. Anyway, enough about them. I love playing on stage. You can check out some of mystuff at http://www.squidoo.com/hardcoremetal . Also please go ad me as a friend at myspace.com/metalsolo